1 L / 8 X 4 II (b): The freakin’ spaetzle

This stuff is a mess. I see why there are dedicated spaetzle makers. You really can’t just rig up something like, say, a slotted spoon or a Mouli grater. Capon loves spaetzle, and suggests it’s much easier to make than noodles. It’s so not.

Spaetzle is apparently German for “little sparrows” or something. I managed to make two-thirds little sparrows, and then, when my arm got tired from squishing the gluey batter through the bottom of our steamer pot, a whole bunch of giant condors–just big globs of dough hurled impatiently into the pot.

The bird blobs were pretty good, though–they had a lot of butter on them. I kind of wish I hadn’t made them, and had stuck with the most austere starch option that Capon gave: toast.

Next posts in the series:
1L/8X4 III: Night II Report
1L/8X4 IV: Night III Report
1L/8X4 V: Night IV Report, aka “Original Thinking Is Lonely”

Previously in the series:
Live coverage: Lamb for Eight Persons Four Times
1L/8X4: The Prologue
1L/8X4: Prep for Night 1
1L/8X4 II(a): Night I Report

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