9 Tips for Counterintuitive Travel (the master list)

I thought long and hard about this list...
I thought long and hard about this list…
Last fall, I wrote a series of blog posts about the rather cranky, not-immediately-logical way I have come to travel.

Here’s the master list of tips, with links back to the posts. Employ on your summer vacation, and tell me how it goes!

1. Go to the bad part of town.

Like nice families, nice neighborhoods are all the same. Money creates global culture and same-everywhere cappucino.

2. Go to the ugly places.

Learning to love the not-immediately-lovely is a skill. And fewer tourists go to nondescript spots, leaving more room and space for you to meet normal people.

3. Go where the tourists are.

I know, I’m contradicting myself. But sometimes it’s great to hang out with tourists–especially if they’re from the country you’re visiting.

4. Be lazy.

Slow down. Do less. Skip the sights, especially if they might make you so cranky you’ll resent the whole country.

5. Travel by inefficient transport.

Like they say, man, the journey is the destination.

6. Drink the water.

Actually, it’s probably safe in many more places than you think. That ice cube won’t kill you (probably).

7. Don’t negotiate with taxi drivers.

Click through to understand why.

8. There’s no shame in sleeping.

Enjoy the siesta–it’s a cultural experience.

9. Bonus: Get older.

This wasn’t in the first series, but it came up after. Travel just gets more fun as you go along.

10. Second bonus: Be uncomfortable.

Edited to add this item, just thought up: “Luxury” can be synonymous with isolation. Money can be a barrier between you and what you’ve traveled so far to see.

Any other tips to add? What have you learned through travel? Share in the comments.