Tribeca Yummy Mummy

Another something to file in the Advice I’m Not Qualified to Give, But Will Anyway folder: You absolutely must teach your children to cook!

(Say I, who has no children. But I was let into the kitchen at an early age, and I am grateful for it! The scars hardly show anymore!)

If you’re looking for inspiration or guidance, check out the lovely Tribeca Yummy Mummy blog. Cate writes the recipes with instructions for mini-chefs and Big People. Which doesn’t mean you, the Big Person, can’t do the recipes all by yourself. (There’s one in the recent posts that I’m definitely doing this weekend–hell, maybe tonight. Guess which.)

One comment

  1. tal says:

    So sweet of you to give Cate a shout-out! Perhaps someday we can all break bread together…speaking of which, I started eating gluten again! So far, so good. Bread=yum!

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