Tater Tot Magic

I’ve had a hankering for those little potato-y buggers recently.

And then I read this! OMFG!!! Genius!

For real, that’s a Portland phenomenon, and not just her stoner creation?

And is it just a coincidence that last winter I ate the best nachos (with regular chips) in recent memory at a Portland bar? And how do they make the food taste so good there?


  1. zora says:

    Hilarious. I didn’t even read that story, it seemed so blazingly obvious. Peter forwarded it to me with the subject heading “Der.”

    But I’m happy that people are getting a grip on butter (although sad to think what they might’ve been working with before). And if it means people bring better holiday cookies into their offices and leave them on tables for me to eat, then I’m even happier.

  2. Heather says:

    I can’t take the credit for the totcho, I’m afraid. It is, in fact, a Portland phenomenon.

    Thanks for the link, btw – found you via Sitemeter, and glad I did. 🙂

  3. Naomi says:

    Sorry, I have to call foul. Next thing we’re going to see piggies in a blankets served with chorizo and called tapas. And nothing tops poutine. Period!

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