Stick a fork in me–I’m done.

The cookbook manuscript is finally done and submitted, along with hundreds of photos.

In the process, I appear to have used up my supply of words and bludgeoned my appetite into submission. All I want to eat these days is steamed vegetables. Trying to fine-tune the technique for candied bacon will do that to a body.

Sometime between now and October, when the book is published, I will once again muster enthusiasm for the food described in its pages. In the meantime, I’m on to various other projects.

More updating here, for one. Another guidebook gig, for two–which means on-the-road tales of woe. And, yes, finally, that website I’ve been talking about for aspiring new home cooks. Hang on to that New Year’s resolution–I’ll be here to help you out soon.


  1. Nate says:

    Can’t wait for the book! I want to put in my signed, first-edition request today…

    BTW, I am writing this as I sit in the ABQ airport waiting for my two-plus hour delayed flight. I managed to eat chile with pretty much every meal however, so I am not stressed.

  2. Zora says:

    Request duly noted!

    Glad you could enjoy the best of NM–I could use some green chile myself right now. Maybe all the chile is why ABQ is one of the mellowest airports I know. That and the classy free wi-fi!

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