• zora says:

      Good point. That grape fetus is smaller than the nail on my pinkie finger. The sharp-eyed can maybe gauge this from looking at the grain in the paper…

  1. Christina says:

    Hooray! Your vine is ahead of mine. The cuttings I started this winter are just putting out their first leaves. I won’t get fruit until next year, if I’m lucky, but probably even later. So, in other words, I’m jealous. What kind of grape is it?

  2. zora says:

    I cheated and bought mine as 1-year-old vines and put them in last spring. Of course our neighbor across the street, whose house is covered in vines, shook his head at the waste of it and said we should’ve asked him for cuttings.

    I was a little too impatient. I think he also might have tastier grapes–we got some last summer, and they were winey and good. Ours that’s busting out now I think is either Buffalo or Van Buren–like the terrible gardener I am, I totally failed to note which was which. There’s a smaller one that’s not doing so well that’s a different variety. I bought American eating grapes for hardiness and speedy growing, because we want them for shade. I’ll just have to get the exotic wine grapes from our neighbor!

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