
OK, I got back last weekend. But per usual, am under the deadline gun (5 min to write this before my official noon work hour starts).

Entertain yourselves with the new Cooking in Real Time episode, all about…whoo-hoo, sloppy joes!

And re: the book title, I am crushed we didn’t think of Ducking Felicious in time. This is why I need Josh and Larra on speed dial. (I was explaining the dilemma to a British couple in Spain, and that was their first suggestion. The Brits–they are a little wittier.)

Forking Fantastic it is, and I got the galleys a couple of days ago. The cute factor with the new title is a little high. Somehow, Forking Fantastic thong underwear does not have quite the same appeal as F-ing Delicious underwear. A whole marketing angle lost…

11:59. Spain pics in a few days.


  1. Behki says:

    Hi Zora,
    Ducking Felicious can be your next book’s title. Btw, how can I get a signed copy of Forking?
    Take care!

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