Genius New Guidebook

nmeyesI mentioned New Mexico: A Guide for the Eyes a little while back, but I just got my advance copy (connections, baby!), and it’s available for preorder now. Release date is August 1.

If you’re planning a trip to New Mexico, or you just came back from there, or you just like the place, I heartily recommend this book. The concept — a guide to all the visual icons, from architecture to food to landscape — is so brilliant that it could change guidebook-land forever.

Every destination needs one — just think of all the times you’ve been traveling and wondered what a recurring symbol/dish/car was all about. The guide to New Mexico has entries for bolo ties, pawnshops, mesas, hogans and even lowriders. Perfect reading for pre-trip education, or while sitting on the patio back at your hotel at night.

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