We are live!

The Forking Fantastic! website is here!

Check it out for funny photos, more about the book and our events schedule in October. And you can even download the introduction to the book!

Oct 6, kids. Oct 6. Getting closer…


  1. zora says:

    Nothing _yet_. But I’m hoping November. Ideally, we will be so fabulous and press-magnetizing and book-selling on our initially scheduled dates that they will have to line stuff up for us in LA and SF.

    Amelie, wish I could take credit for the design, but it is all my lovely friend Hanna Klein who designed it. Well…I did take the photo of the red-eyed fish, at least. But it was Hanna’s idea to match the red-checked tablecloth to the red in the eyes! Our friend Ian did the heavy lifting, actually making the site work.

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