Fork Yeah. Really. Now. Today.

ffForking Fantastic! It’s here! Officially, today.

I feel obliged to write something and get excited. And get you all excited. And honestly, I am excited. I’m proud of this book–it’s up there with my Moon guide to New Mexico in accuracy and cleverness and so on, but not cluttered up with a lot of telephone numbers and opening hours. Oh, and it’s funnier.

But, alas, very much like the day I got married, my previous obligations have somehow expanded monstrously, so as to render me exhausted and still slogging along under the weight of missed deadlines, and thus unable to fully live in the moment. (You should see the pics of me at city hall with Peter in 2005. The bags under my eyes were epic.)

Suspiciously, the culprit in both cases has been a guidebook job. Six years of doing this work, and I still cannot accurately assess how much time it will take me to finish? I just can’t face the awful truth of how much painstaking grunt work it is. Or perhaps the real truth is that I positively suck at multitasking.

Anyway, I’d type more, but…I’ve got to get back to work. I’m hyperventilating slightly just thinking about it.

You’ll love the book, honest. Even if you don’t like swearing. And if you email me to tell me how much you like it (I hope), I’ll get back to you next week. When I’m out from under my current job.

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