Cooking with The Headhunter

A couple entries back, when I slagged off those Dream Dinners people, this woman left a comment, backing up my accusation that DD customers were just freakin’ wimps. She’s a single mom with three kids and two jobs, she says, and she manages to cook dinner all the time, for god’s sake.

So I click over to her blog, Cooking with the Headhunter–and, damn, she also manages to keep an insanely detailed and beautifully photographed blog on top of it all. I knew we were on the same page when I saw the photo of her freezer–full of a side of beef (named Reggie) and almost half a pig (aka Archie). Aww.

But now I feel like an incredible slacker. Not only can I barely muster cooking dinner these days, I can barely blog about it. Must start using freelance office time more constructively.

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