For the record

Raw-milk cheese has been cleared of all charges. The bug in my system is just some mild-mannered streptococcus viridans. Please, do not harm any sheep or goats in my name.

Anyway, I’m home from the hospital. By the end, it felt like Peter and I were doing a prison break. I feel really bad for anyone who’s in the hospital and doesn’t have information, connections, or other resources. It’s really scary how beaten down and freaked out you can get in just a few days. (But maybe I’m just more sensitive because I really, really enjoy eating and sleeping?) I wouldn’t last a second under real interrogation conditions. In fact, I had a story about my involvement in a sleeper cell to trot out in case anyone from the NSA or FBI woke me up in the middle of the night to ask me some questions.

So I’m home and doing a lot of deep breathing. I have an appointment with a less terrorizing doctor on Monday. Thanks again to everyone who called and emailed and sent flowers and other goodies! It helped immensely, and made me popular with the nurses when I shared my cookies.

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