Lonely Planet Amsterdam Guide Giveaway

Guys! I just looked on my bookshelf, and I see I have two perfectly good copies of my newest guidebook, Lonely Planet’s Amsterdam Encounter, just sitting there looking up at me with big puppy-dog eyes. Those “take me on a trip and love me” puppy-dog eyes.

So I’m giving them away to two lucky winners, who are hopefully bound for city of frites and bikes.

I’m pretty pleased with this guide. I really like what LP has done with the Encounter series–they’re made for short city breaks, so they aren’t bulked up with exhaustive hotel reviews, assuming you’ve probably made some deal already.

They’re also short. Selective. I feel pretty strongly about each and every one of the recommendations in this book, because I was forced to be choosy. That’s a nice feeling, to know there’s no real padding in a guide (no “welllll, I’ll just leave that one in case someone really wants some cheap pizza”).

Also, LP has gotten quite good with the production process on these guides. I did the research in April 2010, and the new edition came out in October. Speedy.

Why didn’t I give away my books then? You didn’t need them then! Now, in the depths of winter, you need a boost! A dream of a future trip–or just free stuff.

To enter, just leave a comment by Thursday, February 17 at 5pm EST. It doesn’t actually have to say much of anything, but it would be great if you share your favorite Amsterdam experience, if you’ve been, or say what you’d do if you went. Then I’ll pick a random number.

(PS: Bit of Z. O’Neill trivia: The first full guidebook I wrote was to Amsterdam, for the Moon Metro series. In early 2002! Yikes.)


  1. SKM says:

    I’m going out on a limb here and guessing that a 5-hour layover in Schiphol followed by a night at an airport hotel (thanks to a cancelled flight) does not count as a proper Amsterdam experience… yet that’s the full extent of my time there to date.

  2. Vanessa says:

    Never been! I would love to take a bike tour since everyone seems to recommend that. I might have to ride my bike through the Red Light District, just to take a peek.

  3. Shannon says:

    Sadly, I only had 23 hours there when I went (long layover on the way back from Africa) but I desperately want to go back and explore city on bike. Like everyone who lives there seems to do. I love it.

  4. Jessica says:

    My fiance and I are dyyyyyyyying to go, we’re hoping to make it over teacher convention this year! We want to ride bikes and see tulips and I actually want to see the Anne Frank house!

  5. sysilia says:

    Amsterdam is one of my dream destination and a great guide book would be perfect for trip to this city for the first time 🙂
    There is a “bike to work” community in Indonesia and I would love to see the real bike community in Amsterdam

  6. Michelle says:

    So I’m planning my first solo trip to Amsterdam this May, and as a woman, I must say, it’s quite nerve-wrecking yet EXCITING AS HELL! If these books were useful to you, then I’d love to read through them as well… Please help!

  7. John says:

    My wife and I went to Amsterdam in 2009. Our time there was much too short and we are hoping to go back in the next couple of years.

  8. Heather says:

    It is the one thing my hubby & I can agree on — our next trip! I’d like to bike everywhere without fearing for my life (so, basically — a non-American experience) 🙂 and drink beers in between museum visits, windmill gawking, clog wearing and coffee house visits. 😉

  9. Roger Trengove says:

    Four of my family and myself are taking a Bike & Barge trip from Amsterdam in May and need to know what to see and do on the extra days we plan to spend in Amsterdam.

  10. Zachary Hogan says:

    Awesome! I’m studying in Utrecht for 6 months which I understand is only 20-30 minutes from Amsterdam. It will be my first time outside of North America. Can’t wait!

  11. Chloe says:

    I’ve never been to Amsterdam before but have booked to go for a long weekend at the end of April. I’m looking forward to cycling and visiting some gardens; especially the Begijnhof; the tulips should be in bloom as it will be spring then. I have no idea where to eat and what night time entertainment there is apart from the obvious (which isn’t really my thing!)

  12. zienna says:

    really really really hoping to get myself over for Queens Day this year ;-).. allways wanted to get my little booty over to Amsterdam, and as I turn 30 this year I bloody well will 😉 wooo hoooo…. x

  13. Bui says:

    Just arrived Amsterdam yesterday and will be staying for 2 years for a master degree. I took the wrong train at Schipol Airport and forgot my laptop on the train at Central Station, fortunately I got it back by a trainman. All trainmen said it was my lucky day.
    Today, I learnt how to use tram and bus in Amsterdam, bought a chipcard.
    Tomorrow: Going to bye a used bike. All friends said: “Don’t forget to buy a lock for the bike first”. Oops…
    Lots to learn about the city. Hope you will enjoy your time in Amsterdam.

  14. Rehana says:

    My fiance and I are going to Amsterdam and Paris for our honeymoon in the second week of July. It is our first time to Amsterdam. We are very excited!

  15. Erin Gore says:

    I’m headed to Amsterdam on April 1st and I have no idea what to expect. I’m staying 10 days and plan to do some bike tours. A long needed trip for this stay-at-home mom.

  16. Zora says:

    Yay–winners! Picked by my pal Josh Bernstein from a handful of scraps of paper. (We’re high-tech here at RG HQ.) The numbers were:

    9: Ryan–great! Hope this book will tip you toward A’dam for your honeymoon.

    14: Zachary–Utrecht is nice and all, but you’d better cruise up to Amsterdam all you can!

    Send me your addresses at zora [at] rovinggastronome [dot] com, and I’ll pop the books in the mail.

    Thanks everyone who entered, and may you have a gezellig time in Amsterdam!

  17. Nicola says:

    I’m planning a trip in May to see the tulips, eat some waffles, visit some galleries and generally get to know, from what I hear, an amazing city! Please help by picking me!

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