It’s Here!

Yeah, baby. Moon Handbooks Santa Fe, Taos & Albuquerque is in my hot little hands, and it can be in yours too. Well, by the end of the month, anyway: the official release date is March 28.

So far, I have not flipped open to a random page and cringed in embarrassment, which is about the best post-book-writing sensation one can have. I know this doesn’t sound positive, but when you spend six months slaving over something, it’s hard to look at it again without have a little PTSD.

And a few of the photos I took turned out well too–at least none of them were obviously taken from a moving car, which is an improvement from a few other guidebooks I’ve seen. I feel a wee bit proud.

The best part for potential buyers of this book: I will be going back to New Mexico soon to research a whole-state guidebook, and I’ll set up a blog to post any updates to the Santa Fe book–so you’ll always have hot-off-the-presses info.

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