Kroket Watch 2006

There I was in Amsterdam, and I have to admit, I failed to eat a Love Kroket, even though I was personally alerted to a sales point by Chef Thorwald Voss himself.

But, um, the weather was cold. Which is not really a good excuse in Amsterdam, but there it is. Also, the sales point’s location did not look reachable by boat, which is also a lame excuse, since it’s perfectly reachable by bike or metro.

But in case anyone else has an opportunity to seek out the ultimate kroket: “Thor’s liefde: Croquette d’Amour” is on the menu at the absolutely great-looking ‘beach’ lounge Together, on the Gaasperplas. Apparently the sand was brought directly from Saint-Tropez?

And, ouch, note that the price has gone up to 7.50 euros. But I’d still pay that, for a little bite of kroket passion.

(Next up: the sea urchins! I promise.)

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