Clayton, I’m so sorry.

I take it all back. Any snippiness about cowtowns and slow Friday nights–forget I ever said it.

Now I’m in Raton, NM, and it’s a Saturday night, and there’s not even a movie like Step Up to go see. Because the goddamn movie theater is closed.

Beverly and I were barely able to get dinner. Options included the steak-and-chops family place, and the steak-and-chops more-adulty place, and the Pizza Hut. Finally some extremely nice guys reopened their restaurant (La Casita on 1st St.) to feed us. Fortunately, it was extremely fantastic, or I would’ve had a breakdown right there. My carne adovada was deliciously porky and endorphin-fueling spicy, and we got two sopaipillas each. Amen.

Raton won’t even have a chance to redeem itself tomorrow, because it’s Sunday, and it looks like absolutely everything is shut. Well, really, it looks like everything is shut right now, and it’s Saturday night. There aren’t even lights on in people’s houses, and zero traffic on the streets. It’s creepy. Either the rapture came, or they went to Colorado to go to the movies.

Anyway, I’m a little worried about breakfast tomorrow, but at least we’ve got a little safety net in our dinner leftovers. Monday: Taos, and I know that place has a multiscreen movie theater. Jackass 2, I will see you yet.

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