More Astoria shopping: vintage bonanza every Saturday

So this woman is selling off the contents of this hundred-year-old house, plus assorted other vintage goodness. I just spent hooouuurs roaming around picking up knickknacks and putting them down, holding up too-small vintage dresses in the mirror, trying on feather-trimmed hats and so on. Very absorbing. We came away with a groovy two-tone green Swingline stapler, a great alabaster lamp, and a Kurtis Blow album. And if anyone wants a vintage pink rotary-dial wall phone, Peter can sell you two for a special price.

And my joy can be yours: this is happening every Saturday until all the stuff is sold, including the cast-iron claw-foot bathtub. The address: the wonderfully mnemonic 11-21 31st Drive, which is right off Socrates Sculpture Park–north side of the street, walk upstairs.

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