Nice Chops! Nice Texans!

Peter was searching for banh mi recipes, and found this:

The Porkchop Express

That list in the sidebar of all the banh mi joints in NYC, with reviews, somehow releases some inner anxiety I didn’t know I had. I keep a mental list, but I always have a creeping fear that I’ll forget a crucial one when the pressure is on.

The feeling of keeping track of all the data I’m currently carry in my head is something akin to carrying some floppy piece of, say, inner tube filled with water that also happens to have quite a lot of holes in it. Every time I shift my finger to stem a leak, the whole thing is at risk of losing its structural integrity and spilling everywhere. Clearly the answer is to get done with this damn guidebook, so I no longer have quite so many details to keep track of.

But in the short term, I’ll probably feel better if I just have a banh mi.

And Porkchop Express looks very promising in general….except, ooh, I just scrolled down and saw my most loathed food-writing cliche ever: “X was a revelation.” Everything else, though, I’m lovin’.

Oh, and since I’m currently immersed in this New Mexico project, I was very happy to find The Homesick Texan, especially because the most recent posts are about chile (which those strange people spell “chili”–close enough) and sopaipillas (which they put cinnamon sugar on–what the?). At any rate: mmrrrmmm. Fried doouuuughhh.

Back to writing.

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