I’m not on summer break–I’m hard at work. But everyone’s favorite kitchen accessory, Sugar Duck, is on vacation, and he’s having a blast! All these postcards were “delivered” to me by Peter.

Hi guyth! I'm in Mexthiko, and I jutht made a new friend. His name is Mithter Thombrero-Head!
I thoooo like my new amigo, Theñor Thombrero Head! He is from Mexico. Here we are in the land of thun and fun!
3 with tequila
Why, thank you, Theñor Thombrero Head, I would like thome tequila. Whoooooo!
Aw, come on Theñor Thomero Bread, let me try on your bromthero! Por favooor!!!
Aw, come on Theñor Thomero Bread, let me try on your bromthero! Por favooor!!!
5 wearing
Graciass. Don’t I looook jutht thmashing?!
6 drinking otro bitchez
Yo quiero otro, bitchethz!!!
7 more
Whoooo! Thith ith going to be my lasthtest! Whoo! Whooooo!
8-11 collage sugar and thombrero
Then everything got a little hazy…

[The next morning…]

12 morning
I’m really not thertain why I feel so bad.
I think maybe the lime wasn’t washed or thomething.
13 bloody mary
Gosh. That Mexican sun thure is bright. Maybe a Bloody Mary would help…


In other news that makes me feel hung-over, Lonely Planet appears to have been gutted in the name of the new digital era. (Much like, oh, Frommer’s and Zagat–and that worked out so well.) More on that later. Sigh.

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