New Astoria CSA!

Silly me–years and years ago, I joined a CSA (community-supported agriculture) group here in Astoria, thinking it would be a great way to meet people who also liked food, and get a great batch of vegetables every week. Instead, the members seemed to be largely of the wan, food-as-nutrients type, and I overheard many heated discussions about homeopathy as I quickly stuffed my burdock, kale and carrots in my bags and ran from the fluorescent-lit community center. And that was on the weeks I was able to get my stuff–a three-hour window on Tues afternoon wasn’t exactly friendly to anyone with a job. (Not that I really had one–but _sometimes_ I did, honest!)

Well, hooray to say that organization has been replaced by the livelier, hipper Astoria CSA, who have moved the drop point to chummy little Cafe Bar on 35th Ave. In an extra-smart move, they’ve partnered with some meat-and-dairy farms as well–the meat doesn’t come as part of your weekly share, but you can order it separately, and it will be delivered along with your veggies.

For those who haven’t heard of CSAs: you pay a lump sum at the beginning of the farm season, usually starting in mid-May, and every week a selection of vegetables (looks like the new group will do fruit as well) is delivered to a drop point. The selection is different each time, and you get stuff usually through Thanksgiving, though that period sees a lot of curly kale and brussels sprouts. Because you get a surprise selection of five or six things every week, it’s a great way to make you creative with your cooking–“It’s like Iron Chef, every week!” said my roommate Aaron the summer I did it at our old place.

_Don’t_ do it, though, if you’re thinking it will somehow magically be cheaper. Not that it’s outrageous at all–it’s just that unless you’re used to paying for organics, you’ll have a little sticker shock. In fact, considering Astoria has some of the best produce shops in the city (as well as a small Greenmarket, over on the west side), you’re probably wondering why you’d join a CSA at all…

Well, Astoria’s best is never organic, and it’s local only during tomato season. Plus, everything’s been sitting around for who knows how long. Your CSA share is picked the day before you pick it up, max. So, bottom line: you get Greenmarket-quality veg, without any schlepping (and actually, to get back to price, the CSA is often cheaper than buying at Greenmarkets).

Get more info at, and if you’re interested, stop by Hellgate Social Wed. at 7:30 for a movie screening (“Future of Food”) or Cafe Bar on Tues, Mar 27, at 7pm for a Q&A session.

(Despite the meet-up at Hellgate Social, this group is distinct from the Hellgate CSA, which mostly serves the Ditmars area, though of course it’s open to anyone anywhere in the neighborhood willing to stop by Cafe Bar once a week.)

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