Suicide Food

I’ve been mentally compiling a collection of images of animals eating themselves, all in the name of stoking your appetite. But now it looks as though someone has been actually doing it. And front and center is an especially ghastly–yet adorable–image I already had in my brain file from months ago. Classy.

Et voila: Suicide Food.

Peter found another to add to the portfolio while biking around New Orleans.

NO pigs wide

Adorable. In fact, so adorable, let’s zoom in a little and take a look at those piggie-wiggies.
NO pigs zoom

This does beg the question: Is it really ethical to roll your little pig children off to be eaten? It’s not suicide food in the typical sense. But if getting made into barbecue is so much fun, why would you deprive the wee ones? Especially when you know they’ll taste so delicious!

Too bad this restaurant — Elizabeth’s, in the Bywater — was closed. Next trip.

[Thanks, Polenblog.]

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