Reminder: All Strangers Are Kin

No, really, this is the last post ever! As most of you know, my book All Strangers Are Kin: Adventures in Arabic and the Arab World is coming June 14, from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Throw me your email address, and I’ll deliver you a handful of essential, entertaining bulletins about the book and events surrounding it. (You can bet there’ll be some really good food.)

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One comment

  1. Joan says:

    sabah al khair!

    I read about your book in the Arab Lit in English page and immediately preordered it from Amazon for my Kindle: it arrrived in the middle of the night! I’ve just read the first chapter of so – yes, I can truly identify with everything you say! Love it!!! Soooo sorry you’re not continuing the blog and I won’t be able to make it to your events… (I live in Italy…)
    All the best!

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