Public apologies

My first real oh-yeah-everyone-in-the-entire-world-can-read-this moment: I’ve indulged in the great ego-stroking exercise of registering this site with a stat counter, and it’s interesting to see how people find their way to my blog.

One google search was for “Pedro and Eyal”, which pulls up my caricatured description of these guys, who are in fact absolutely wonderful but whom I shamelessly exploited for the sake of making my day sound worse than it was. I feel awful–they are great, and their hotel in Cozumel is in fact one of the loveliest places I’ve visited, and they have been nothing but kind and helpful to me. I am happy to have met them, and they make me enjoy my job.

I think this is why I will never be a proper writer, because you basically have to seize on people and make them into characters. And you have to be absolutely remorseless about it. From now on, I will only write catty things about my friends, who will understand. OK, and maybe people I think will never see the Internet in their lives.

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