Queens Bloggers on Brian Lehrer

So Peter and I left the blessed borough for about 26 hours earlier this week, and we both missed chances to be on the Brian Lehrer Show, completely independent of each other, just because we weren’t checking our email.

I was asked to be on a show that just aired this morning, about Queens bloggers, a club of which I am at least 20 percent of the time a member. megc, of Joey in Astoria and OuterB, represented our ‘hood, fortunately. Here’s a spiffy little link to the clip:

(And if that’s not working, go here).

Through that, I found my way to Queens Central–a nice-looking blog that proves that you can make a blogging career out of one post linked back to Curbed.

Of course I clicked right on the “Astoria” category. Only to find a post giving credit to the beer hall for making Astoria what it is today. Oy. No. What makes Astoria what it is is all the people who _aren’t_ at the beer hall, all the Greeks, Egyptians, Croatians, etc. who keep moving here. I am happily subject to their whims (even if, I guess, they can’t keep a French patisserie open, damn it). Anyway, cranky comment to this effect alongside the original post over there.

I guess it’s better I wasn’t on the radio or I might’ve started a fight.

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