Even More Baltimore Crabs

In what looks set to become an annual tradition, Peter and I attended the St. Francis of Assisi Crab Feast in Baltimore again this year. Karine, ever willing to pull an ocean crustacean limb from limb, came along.

For our benefit–Peter and I were out of practice, and Karine was new to the sport–Curtis demonstrated his masterful crab-picking skills:

Notice how he moves so fast at some points that our video camera could just not keep up. For every crab I ate, Curtis probably had three or four. And by the time Karine and I were kind of getting the hang of it, we were already full. I should’ve worn an elastic waistband–what was I thinking?

Otherwise, it was a highly successful day. We didn’t win any peach schnapps in the liquor raffle, but Sandy gave me her mums she’d scored (that’s Sandy buying her raffle tickets in the video in the beginning), and I was almost moved to do the chicken dance. Afterward, Peter got schooled in Dance Dance Revolution by Curtis’s daughter, even though she’d spent the day waiting tables at the crab feast and Peter had just spent it sitting down. We capped it off with some $1.50 Natty Bohs in the kind of dive bar that just doesn’t exist in NYC. Oh, Baltimore.

(Read the account of last year’s feast here.)

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