A Pox on Pistilli

It’s probably punishment for my bitchy rant about the Eagle building on 21st Street, but I just discovered that the 10-story building going up on Newtown Avenue, one block from my house, and permanently blocking my view is a project of Pistilli Realty Group.

Unless Joseph Pistilli got knocked upside the head by the Angel of Aesthetic Values in the last year, the place is guaranteed to look like unmitigated ass.

I know, I admit–it makes no sense to complain about ugly in the Borough of Ugly. I too go to Brooklyn and breathe more easily, stand taller, without the glare of vinyl siding and metal awnings refracting off my retinas. But I still prefer Queens (and I kinda like the awnings). I just don’t want it to get any uglier.

Even Queens can become a super-saturated solution of ugly, if developers aren’t careful. One more granite-faced bank building, and the whole place could crystallize! With ten stories of hatefulness, plus two of underground parking (like people need to be encouraged to drive their cars to a place that’s one super-short block from the subway stop! Assholes!), this Pistilli building will generate a deadly chemical reaction of abomination, with the fallout raining down for blocks around.

My only satisfaction comes from reading a February 2007 article in which Joe P. claims the place will be ready for occupancy this fall. The bulldozers are currently wallowing in muck at the bottom of a very, very deep hole. Heh.

Monkey-wrenching, anyone?

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