Astoria Made Safe from Oglers

Man, everything is happening at Ditmars now that I’ve left!

The NY Times reports that there was some dude standing around under the stairs up to the train, looking up the ladies’ skirts.

Well, our noble council rep, Peter Vallone, was shocked, shocked to learn that there was no law against this kind of thing, so he got right on the ball and made one.

I would thank him for this, except he’s the same guy who claimed he didn’t know about the Steinway sheesha (aka hookah) joints two weeks before the smoking ban was put to the vote, and so, golly, hadn’t formulated any plan for how they’d be dealt with under the new law.

Dude, that’s your turf! Aren’t you obliged to know what a major business district in your zone is up to? And represent them?

Anyway. The sheesha places seem to be doing fine, no thanks to Vallone. And now someone can be hauled off to jail for seeing my underwear. Astoria breathes easier.

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