I’m Cooked

Seeing how I’m shockingly slow on these things, probably everyone already saw the video of Christopher Walken making roast chicken and pears, oh, months ago. But it’s pretty great to see this man speak so calmly while he caresses this carcass.

Which is all a preamble to saying I’m very pleased to see this new I’m Cooked website, which is essentially YouTube for food. Why didn’t I think of that?

(But, disappointing: a video entitled “Cooking Queens” is two gay guys. I guess the world does not revolve around my favorite borough.)

Anyhoo, check it out. I also like the ’email me the recipe’ feature some videos have, like the Brazilian guy’s (though it’s got some kinks–I got a papaya recipe when I asked for hearts of palm, but…good idea nonetheless).

You’ve probably already watched mine and Tamara’s clip, but here’s the link.

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