Your Personal Trip Coach

I’ll be doing an online chat for Budget Travel magazine next week, December 11, from noon to 1pm Eastern time. Any questions about trip logistics, where/when to go to the Yucatan, hotel and restaurant recommendations–go ahead and grill me. (Anyone who knows me, though, knows I’m a soft touch and would answer these questions anyway, without even making you go through the online rigamarole, or even buy my book–that’s how much I like giving advice.)

But it would be fun to have some friends in the audience, or maybe some softball questions (“Dear Zora: Can you please tell me about your two favorite shrimp taco places, and why you like them so much?” Or maybe “Dear Zora: Can you tell me why you’re clearly the most expert guidebook author for the region, not to mention the cleverest writer?” Actually, that latter one is harder than it seems, considering some of the competition. Hmm. But you get the idea.)

Submit your questions in advance here, or just join me next Tuesday! A transcript of the chat will be posted online in case you miss my pearls of wisdom…

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