Totally Unrelated: Grad School Rant

Not me doing it, fortunately–and it’s more like a reasoned argument against, even if it is from someone who went through it and now teaches.

I’m only mentioning it here because that’s how freakin’ insidious grad school is! I quit ten years ago (and mentally checked out before that), but it still galls me to think about it. I feel like I have to tell the world NOOOOOO! Fortunately, someone else can say it a little bit more rationally than I can.

And hey, I’m married to a professor. Maybe that should be the real advice: marry a prof, and then get a job that allows you too to take summers off.

Oh wait, no, here, this is better: Do two years of grad school with a grant from the government (for Arabic–and the funding was cut! Before 2001! You fucking idiots!…ahem…ten years ago….breathe deep). While you’re in those two years of grad school in the ass of nowhere, TEACH YOURSELF HOW TO COOK. This will get you through the lean years after you quit grad school and have no idea what else to do–you will not only save crazy amounts of money and be able to afford living in New York as a “freelancer,” even after 9/11, but you will be healthy, both mentally and physically. Then, eventually, after cooking a lot of meals for one and loving it, eventually give in and marry a professor.

I am exceedingly grateful. But academia: suck it. But thanks for the cooking classes! It really did change my life.

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