Pistilli’s Karmic Payback

A couple of years ago, I ranted about the utterly heinous Pistilli conversion over by Astoria Park. Due to the suckitude of Yahoo, all the brilliant comments are now lost, but at least I don’t feel alone in my loathing of Pistilli and its distinctly horrible aesthetics.

But bitchery always has a price. Now there’s a Pistilli project going up on the very next block from me.

Here’s the view from our balcony–check the train zipping by in the background!

<I>The Queens version of pastoral bliss.</i>
The Queens version of pastoral bliss.

Then you turn just a little bit to the left, which is actually staring straight out from the balcony, and…HOLY HELL!

<i>Tower of power.</i>
Tower of power.

I like how the flowers seem to be saying, “OMFGAAAAAWWWD!” in the picture. That’s 10 stories of sheer fugliness, people. I’m all for infill, but it’s alarming when it happens literally right in front of you.

Anyway, that’s just the ass of the building. Here’s a shot of the front, from the subway platform at 30th Ave:

<I>I will crush you all.</i>
I will crush you all.

If you’re wondering why you can’t see any other buildings around it, it’s because those other buildings are relatively small. Some are really small.

<i>And I will especially crush you, my feeble neighbor!</i>
And I will especially crush you, my feeble neighbor!

No, really. It’s that ridiculously monstrous. Here you can see just exactly how high it looms:

<i>Crush. Crush. Crush.</i>
Crush. Crush. Crush.

Now that’s what I call using your air rights!

Without much cladding on, there are few indicators of the overall look of the building, but to judge one side wall of rough-cut cinderblock, with occasional rows of darker stone, I’m certain it will be in line with other Pistilli projects.

Do their business cards say, “Pistilli: We Put the Ass in Astoria!”?

They should.

Anyhoo, I chose to live here, fug and all. I will just avert my gaze from now on.

<I>La, la, la--I can't see you! What a pretty flower!</i>
La, la, la--I can't see you! What a pretty flower!

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