Search for how i learned to cook - 33 results found

Morocco #5: Cookbooks

I try to collect a cookbook from wherever I go, sometimes in the local language, sometimes not. I prefer older and traditional, maybe with a picture of a granny on the cover. (My favorite so far: Cocinando con mi abuela, from Campeche, Mexico.) For anyone who thinks in the same vein, may I recommend two …

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Au Revoir, Cook’s Illustrated

So Peter rearranged the kitchen with nifty new Metro shelving, and in the process made me acutely conscious of how many issues of Cook’s Illustrated I’ve got piled up. They seem sort of redundant now, because I bought access to the recipe database on the Cook’s website, and I can’t remember when I last sat …

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Book News

Oh, hello there. I briefly forgot I had a blog! But the electronic record must show some exciting developments in the realm of words printed on paper. 1) The Crimson Sofa All Strangers Are Kin is delivered and accepted, as they say in the biz. (In the biz, this also means I finally got PAID …

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