Ali in the NYT: “rustic bombast”

That Peter Meehan has a knack: very precise and good review of Kabab Cafe in the NY Times today.

Another good turn of phrase: “authoritative inconsistency,” in reference to Ali’s knife skills. Although I do object a little–Ali has pro-chef knife skills, not Grandma-style skills as Meehan says. He can chop an onion into tiny bits in 3 seconds while ogling the ladies, and if that’s not professional I don’t know what is.

Anyway, it’s great to see Ali get some well-deserved press. Bet you’re wishing you’d gotten around to going there before it got too popular, huh?

And it’s also great to see a place I know so well described in a way that is both true and positive. Unlike, say, so many puff-piece travel stories, where you’re left saying, really?

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