Awesome Astoria!

Thank god–someone else is doing the job I am far too daunted by:

“2 german girls review Greek cafes in Astoria Queens”

I’ve just started to skim. Reference to Lindsay Lohan-style lace leggings? Always gets me. Snark about glowing walls? Uh-huh. Willingness to bend the bounds of mission (with review of not-exactly-Greek Wassi, which I was curious about)? We got it.

What’s really astounding to see, though, is their master to-do list of cafes–which is far longer than I ever could’ve imagined. Yipes. That’s a lot of frappes.

I wonder, though, have they discovered the perverse genius of the iced-tea frappe?

I think I’ll go make myself one now. My goal before I move on Thursday is to eat everything in our pantry that is less than a third full (bonus points for spices), and the Lipton iced tea mix is just barely in that category.

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