Blogsoop: So Meta, So Worthwhile

Blogging is just one big ego-wallow. A couple of weeks ago, I was checking out my statcounter, and saw someone had come to my site from the heretofore-undiscovered(-by-me) Blogsoop, which is a savvy collection of bloggers’ reviews of New York City restaurants.

Turns out the site is quite new, and the nice part is that it’s being put together by hand–as in, someone is actually trawling through everyone’s food blogs and selecting the reviews that go up on the site. Which means there’s not a lot of worthless junk–and the section on Queens restaurants is surprisingly large. It’s organized in a very straightforward way–you can search by resto name, neighborhood or cuisine.

There’s even a little “recently added” section–a detail that shows the site cares about its regular visitors the same way a vintage shop or used record store cares about its obsessive customers so that you don’t have to go through everything all over again every time you stop by.

It was slightly unnerving to see a couple of my posts presented as “reviews,” when in fact they are more just snapshots following a meal, and pretty blurry ones at that, considering the amount of wine usually involved. But when I look at some other more review-y reviews, I think I like mine better anyway. And isn’t that what blogging’s all about? (Pat, pat, pat.)

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