Book Tour Ahoy!

It officially begins tomorrow. Not so auspiciously, I discovered yesterday that I’d jacked up my plane reservations, and was set to arrive at 12.23am, instead of 12.23pm. That’s a mistake I’ve never made before. (Doesn’t help that United’s SFO-PDX flights go at the exact same times, a.m. and p.m.)

Anyway, fixed that. Will arrive in Portland tomorrow (lord willin’) and put on a show at Land gallery, which I am very much looking forward to. And there will be plenty of eating in Portland, of course. Finally, Pok-pok!

And, as I’ve said on shorter-form communication media, it dawned on me that working as a guidebook writer has made me exceptionally well trained for a book tour. All those pansy writers who complain about having to fly to a new city every two days–big deal! Try driving to a new city every two days, in 90-degree heat, in a car with no a/c or power steering. And overscheduling–I invented that the first time I tried to visit all of New Mexico in three weeks.

Also, I’m very good at getting names spelled right. So I won’t be doing what Jeffrey Steingarten did to me when he inscribed a book to “Dora.” (Bad bookstore karma, but I sliced that page out with a razor blade and returned the book. It’s not like I shoplifted books and then returned them, like some deadbeat writers I’ve met.)

Anyhooooo… This is all to say I probably will be too harried to communicate clearly in this forum for the next couple of weeks. (Sad state of affairs when blogging seems to be too long-form.) I will, as ever, be on Facebook, where we also have a page for the cookbook. And this newfangled Twitter thing. I’m at zoraoneill and forkyeah. (And Cooking in Real Time is continuing–not to worry. Also on Twitter at cookrealtime.)

Oh! And I’m still a guidebook writer, you know. I’ll be appearing at WORD! (the best-named bookstore ever) on October 29 to talk about it. I will be totally fried. It will be awesome, and hopefully somewhat coherent.


  1. If you don’t want to go all the way out to Pok Pok, let me put in a good word for Ping, which is from the same folks and actually downtown. They serve a “doctored” instant ramen salad that was one of the best dishes I’ve eaten this year, in any country.

  2. Melly says:

    I am so happy to have found your looking at the links at “A Thinking Stomach”. Just fabulous!

    Pok Pok is my next stop when in Portland. I go about every 2 or 3 months to visit. Kenny and Zuke’s is great too!

    Best of luck on your book tour. (Diana Kennedy spelled my name ‘melanie’..and it isn’ I get the Dora thingee)

  3. Zora says:

    Thanks, Melly! Glad you like it!

    Alexander, I was so close to going to Ping–then got sidetracked into a totally different dinner. Guess I’ll just have to go back soon….

  4. baji says:

    didn’t see a comment box on the ‘book update’ post but just wanted to say that “parenthetical asides” are my absolute favorite things to read in a book! sad they were cut but hope the director’s cut version will keep them intact.

  5. Zora O'Neill says:

    Thanks, Baji! Both for the vote of confidence in parenthetical asides (I like them too!) and for letting me know the other post was lacking its comments. Not sure how that happened…

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