Cairo, Wahashtini!

Aw–all the goofy little details I like about Cairo, bundled up in one video:

(Khalid, was that what the hospital was like?!)

If you ever have the chance to see Hakim in concert, go! You haven’t lived until you’ve seen about 12 Egyptian dudes in ’80s-look jumpsuits doing full choreography for a screaming crowd…and that was just in Brooklyn. Can’t imagine in his hometown.

And this was the song that was all the rage on the streets:

Uh, it’s called “Grapes.” And the lyrics are something about, well, how sweet grapes are. And how the red ones are good, and so are the yellow ones. Is that dirty? No one, apparently, is sure, but everyone loves the song. I won’t blame you if you stop the video partway through, given the hideous quality–and you sort of get the point of the song anyway.

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