Category: Food

What am I eating?

I've been working at this exceptionally trashy job that calls for long hours in a windowless room. I come in around 930 and stagger out around 730 or 800. Food is brought to us once, sometimes twice a day.

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Astronaut ice cream a fraud!

This eGullet Q&A with a NASA food scientist is great–even though she has no sense of humor (note how she just doesn’t dish on in-flight food poisoning like you wish she would). Tortillas are the space-age bread, freeze-dried shrimp cocktail is very popular, but (gasp!) astronaut ice-cream was a one-time deal for the Apollo mission only. I’d get huffy and nostalgic about this, but really, that stuff sucked.


Oh goody–just getting up to speed with a Web page and a forum for any silly thing, usually regarding food, that floats through my head. Self-editing is difficult, but I will try. Notes TK on: the gratuitous meat roast (two whole animals!) of New Year’s Eve, Mina-mina-bo-bina, Ali’s latest, and why I can’t remember anything for more than 10 hours.