Category: Food

Pantry Magic: Nuevo Pistou

It’s freakin’ cold. At this point, most people start waxing lyrically about hearty winter soups.

But I don’t really like soup. Or most soups.

The trouble with most soups is that every bite is the same–this is the huge flaw in the one-dish meal. It’s totally boring. Somehow, even if it’s jam-packed with a bunch of ingredients, it still winds up tasting essentially the same.

I like variety–I like to be able to put together each bite in a new way. If I’m going to be eating a one-dish meal, I still want it to taste like I’m eating at least two things.

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World’s Largest Malt Ball

Ever since I read that there’s such a thing as malt-flavored soy milk (specifically, Lower Sugar Vitasoy Malted), I’ve been hankering for it. It doesn’t seem to exist in the US, alas.

So I thought I’d just make myself some plain old malted real milk.

Easier said than done:

<I>Lasts through a whole movie!</i>
Lasts through a whole movie!

My malt powder had totally glommed together in its container–it had been a very humid summer.

I did actually try gnawing on the giant malt ball…but it wasn’t very satisfying. Now I’m back to scanning the shelves for this Vitasoy product.

Zucchini Bread

<i>Those little shreds of green are good for you!</i>
Those little shreds of green are good for you!
In the same way that I only got a grill a couple of weeks ago, I just managed to perfect my zucchini bread recipe with the last two fresh zukes in the tristate area.

And in the same way that I always thought I was normal growing up, and then it turned out I totally wasn’t, I first went looking for a zucchini bread recipe in Joy of Cooking. It’s a standard recipe, you know? I was a little disturbed to see it wasn’t in there. I guess it’s a standard only if you grew up in 1970s New Mexico, and you had a garden that disgorged 800 tons of zucchini every fall. In that alternate hippie universe, zucchini bread is just as normal as zucchini chocolate cake, for instance.

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