Category: Groceries

Fresh Meat: Jamie at the Slaughterhouse

A-16 tasty murder pcmSo, as of this moment, I still have not seen my appearance on Jamie Oliver’s show about the US. But now I have seen a couple of clips from it, thanks to Eat Me Daily.

And here’s the post about it.

“Scary inner workings” of the halal butcher? Maybe I’m in too deep, and way too used to going there, but…it’s not that scary.

Perhaps it is not the gleaming vision of stainless steel and bright white tile in which people fantasize their meat is being slaughtered. But nowhere is. And certainly not a Midwestern meat packer that supplies your supermarket.

No, it is not photogenic. But it is not a filthy place. And I (and thousands of others) have happily bought meat there and served it to other people. And they’ve all said, “Mmmm, delicious! This chicken tastes so good!” And they didn’t die.

I wonder if Raphael’s disgust at watching this clip came not so much from the seemingly unsanitary setting, but from the proximity of live animals to dead ones. This is not something we see often in the US. Only in the last decade or so have food magazines begun to show live, gamboling lambs on one page, then a plated rack of lamb on the next–and that was a huge, contentious step when Saveur took it.

And it’s not like I am naturally all tough and jaded and carnivorous. The first time I bought a chicken there, in 2002 or so, I had to say, “Can I do this?” to myself. And still every time I go to that butcher, I have a momentary twinge.

But if I’m going to continue to eat meat, I figure it’s the honest, upfront thing to do: look that animal in the eye. And then go home and cook every last scrap of it into something really delicious. And serve it to people you love.

Anyone curious about this place? I am happy to answer any questions, or even take people there on a tour. Seriously, I love it, and I think it’s one of the best sources of well-taken-care-of meat in the city.

Summer drinks: Hello Oxymeli, Good-bye Rooh Afza

oxymeli-003I’ve lived in Astoria for 11 years. There are lots of grocery stores here, and new foodstuffs all the time. But it’s been a long time since I’ve found something I’ve never even heard of: oxymeli. It was just sitting there, all innocent, on the shelf at my usual Greek grocery, Greek House on 30th Avenue. I love this guy because it’s the best kind of tiny store–the kind where the more you look, the more you see things you need. Also because he stocks a lot of Turkish items, despite this neighborhood’s prejudice against. He also has good bulk chocolate and bulk spices, even mahleb, the sour cherry pits that I needed when I got on my Syrian cooking kick last year.

I always go in for one thing, and come out without about eight (it helps that there’s a 99-cent ATM in there too). This time, I was waiting for my feta to get bundled up when I saw the oxymeli.

I say “the oxymeli” as though I knew what it was. But no. It was in with the vinegars. The label says it’s a combination of sweet wine, currant vinegar, figgy stuff and honey. There are actual little chunks of fruit in it too. There’s not too much on the Web about it–it seems like it’s a modern reinvention of an ancient recipe, made by just one company, Liostrofi. (Classicists, help me out!)

I fed some to our visiting genius-bartender friend, who promptly declared, “It’s shrub!” It does taste a little like something a spry 95-year-old man has been drinking every morning his whole life, and credits with keeping him fit. And I’m not surprised that a lot of the other info about it online seems to come from SCA types (a slippery slope, food history…).

Anyhoo, it’s delicious! I used it instead of balsamic vinegar to macerate some strawberries, and it was lighter but more complex. I heartily recommend it…if you can find it.

oxymeli-002And because our pantry is overstuffed, I have to manage it the same way I do my clothes, tossing old to make room for new. The victim this time was a bottle of Rooh Afza, appealingly billed as “The Summer Drink of the East,” and smelling of rose and “fragrant screwpine.” Alas, it didn’t taste like much but sugar, and even its pretty label and ridiculous bright-pinkness couldn’t save it. Buh-bye, Rooh, and thanks anyway to Hamdafd Laboratories of Pakistan (though I love the sound of a drink made by Something Laboratories, don’t you?). According to Wikipedia, Rooh Afza used to be something more elaborate. It’s a mild understatement to call this version “less complex.”

oxymeli-004Oh, but I lie. I snuck in another new thing, without quite purging something else. It’s a bottle of mulberry syrup from Syria. It was a risky thing to bring back, considering it could have made a horrific mess in my luggage. But it’s intact (if now even already a third consumed), and in a drink-mixing frenzy over the last few days, I found it goes well with gin, and with bananas in a smoothie. Now that’s versatile–a real keeper.

Hunts Point Fish Market

Photos are up over at Flickr. Not a lot of them. But still–such pretty, pretty fish. Even if the setting is now totally dull and industrial–no Brooklyn Bridge twinkling in the night. Perhaps saddest of all, there’s no bar nearby to warm up in before the big shop, as we did in 2005. We loaded up on shellfish for our Election Day Cafe oyster roast.

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Aksu Honey Fruit Update

I went and bought some more of the Aksu Honey Fruit. Alas, the apricot variety is not nearly so satisfying as the sour cherry. (Why did I mess with success? I never learn.) Other varieties available: strawberry and wild raspberry.

This, verbatim from the tag around the jar:

“Aksu Honeyfruit” is a friendly and peacefully meeting of Natural Flower Honey with Fruit Varieties, by a special Formula after long-lasting technical researches. With “Aksu Honeyfruit”, Aksu VItal A.S. has aimed to increase the consumption of Natural Honey which is very beneficial and healthy nourishment for the human being by softening, lightening and facilitating the specific sharp aroma of Honey with pleasant tastes of carefully selected Fruits, especially for the Kids.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. Now eat up, Kids!

Food and Politics

<I>I eat arugula...and I vote!</i>
I eat arugula...and I vote!
Good reading recently. A friend sent me an interesting piece in Plenty mag on the dangers of considering good food “elitist”–starting with the absurdity that anyone who eats arugula is branded a hopeless liberal.

Hopeless liberal Michael Pollan wrote a big feature in this weekend’s New York Times magazine: “An Open Letter to the Next Farmer in Chief.” It’s nine pages, but worth the whole read. By the end, you might be a hopeful liberal.

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