What could be the precise opposite of American school lunches, as documented in Super-Size Me?
Category: Links
Just to echo what's over on Hook Echoes: par-TAY, my fine friends!
Wayne’s Lament: The “Professional” Kitchen
To hear the horror stories (viz. Bourdain), restaurants function the same way pro football does: they keep off the streets those people who might otherwise freak out and harm someone and maybe end up in prison.
Remember when I said the sweat lodge made me want to take more drugs? I take it all back.
Not food-related, but food for thought…
Another eGullet Gem
An essay on a life of meat-cutting. Clearly a Tony Bourdain protege, in writing style anyway (I'm sure he developed the similar lifestyle all on his own).
Behind the scenes at Tavern on the Green
Peter just sent me this fantastic photo essay on eGullet that shows proof of why I was right to mock that guy for wanting to eat Tavern on the Green.
I’m in the Daily Gullet!
Blog props
Apologies for being the most self-centered (and worse, stomach-centered) blogger ever.
Chowhound gets an upgrade
Al-hamdulillah! Chowhound has finally fixed its egregious search function: now it’s farmed out to Google.