Category: Parties

News from abroad

I was going to say I've had a lack of recent food adventures because I was thinking of the gross cheese sandwich with that Italian mushroom pesto and a small handful of my roommate's five-cheez Italiano blend dairy product (sorry, Aaron, it wasn't much), but then I also remembered the fabulously heartwarming return-to-NYC fried-chicken feast that Tamara prepared to mark my return from exile in the sun country.

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Duck, duck, grease

Last night was Sunday and Peter's birthday--a double call for dinner. Tamara's sharp invitation to dinner at Peter's new apartment (housewarming too: make that a triple call for dinner) reminded us it was his Jesus year, and that the birthday boy should be affectionately referred to as "you fucking fag."

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Chapter 10,083, in which I once again consume too much

In a city of 8 million, it's hard to feel like you're ever doing something unique or remarkable. But I do think I was the only person in NYC carrying a cast-iron skillet home in my bike bag at 1 am on Sunday night.

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More pig pics

More shots of the great New Year’s roasting roundup, at Snapfish. Highlights: the exciting buildup to the blessed event, including construction of the croquembouche, in funny hats.

password: gastronome