Category: Yucatan

What I Ate

Oh yeah, today at a cheery little cafeteria in Cancun: big oval quesadillas of thick, chewy corn tortillas filled with 1) sauteed squash blossoms and 2) huitlacoche, aka white-trash truffles, that corn fungus that's all black and tastes like bacon.

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On the Move

I used to be such a travel pro, packing a bag the size of my head that was filled with magically matching and essential clothes... Now traveling is my job, and I'm fucking it up left and right.

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The Radar I Have, As It Pertains to Restaurants*

Last night I realized mine needs to be specially recalibrated for Mexico.

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Of dogs and pigs

So that dude who asked me if I partied... As the conversation got going, I thought, Nooo, he can't possibly be so sleazy as to hit on me, I mean, that's just too sad and predictable.

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Welcome home!

This is what the guayabera-clad staff of luxury hotels seem to have taken to saying to arriving guests, even when it's just me driving up in my lub-lub-lubbing little blue Bug, with big sweat stains under the arms of my sink-washed shirt.

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I actually had a stupendously good meal: lunch at this little restaurant in some woman's house. Salpicon (shredded beef with a vinegary sauce, radishes and cilantro) preceded by this really nice creamy black bean soup. All the jamaica (hibiscus) I could drink.

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Agua con Gas

One real benefit to traveling alone: I can double-dip my chips in the guacamole as much as I please. And I can order fizzy water without having to consult the table on bubbles vs. no bubbles. This trip is only making more set in my ways.

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