Circus Peanuts, Explained, Slightly

Tal forwarded me this Straight Dope column about circus peanuts. I do not like them. They are a disturbing texture and just plain taste bad.

Buried in the middle of the column is this:

“Over the years the best-selling item has been orange in color, banana in flavor, and peanut in shape.”

Banana flavor? I never would’ve identified it as that, being misled by the color and the shape. But now…yes, banana. I guess that’s what it is.

No wonder I dislike them. “Banana” is perhaps the worst of the artificial fruit flavors, with “lime” coming up not far behind.


  1. Karine says:

    What artificial lime foodstuffs are you thinking of, incidentally? Green lifesavers aren’t bad, at least compared to the horrible lemon ones.

    My friend Suzanne deliberately seeks out artificial banana-flavored things when she’s had a really bad day. Banana Runts used to be an emergency consolation device. The theory is that the minute you eat a banana Runt, your day can only get *so* much better after that, and assuredly will, and really you can face almost anything after that. I wonder if eating a circus peanut might have a similarly perspective-altering effect?

    You do have to brave to try this technique, though. Under Suzanne’s guidance, I ate a banana PowerBar once and immediately retched.

  2. zora says:

    You’re braver than I am, sister! Although I like the idea of taking control of the worst moment in your day. Maybe I _will_ pad my pockets with circus peanuts…though I can see how Runts would be more durable, and discreet.

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