Crass Commercialism

Check out the links to my books at right, kiddies. If you click on those links and buy ’em, Amazon will send me 3 cents! If you search for things via the Amazon search box over there, and then buy them, I might get a check for even more cents! It seems a little tacky, but it also seems silly to put links to my books and not get any kickback. With this attitude, I should do well in a third-world country. Or New Mexico.

And I’m not kidding about emailing me about the Amsterdam book. It’s solid, but boy, a lot of things have changed. I saw somebody reading one recently, and I really wanted to go over to her and yank it out of her hands and start advising her right then and there, but I was afraid she’d think I was weird. Now she just hates me because the Stedelijk Museum was closed. Honest, I do this job because I can’t help giving advice.

(Oh, and you can email re: Mexico too. Hurricane reports on the Caribbean coast so far are not as terrible as US papers and TV made it seem. Of course.)

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