Day of the Dead

Oh yeah. We had a party! We honored our deceased relatives. We gorged on tamales. The Hot Sardines played, and even sang “The St. James Infirmary Blues” special for the occasion.

And Karine made the cake. The most amazingly delightful and hilarious theme cake ever, to commemorate the end of the Bush era. Just when I was saying I needed more theme cakes in my life.

The only photo I have is from after we ate it:

<i>The wreckage</i>
The wreckage

In case it’s not clear, that’s Jesus bursting out of the blood-spattered head of George Bush. And, in the original setup, before we destroyed the cake by gorging ourselves on it (box mix + passionfruit curd + hella hardcore buttercream frosting = success!), George Bush is being attacked by his enemies. Plus some Mexican wrestlers, for good measure.

<i>And that's only the beginning</i>

I’m glad Angela Merkel got her payback for that icky neck rub.

Here’s one more, you know, just for scale:


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