F-ing Farewell, Again (scroll down for poll!)

Off to Spain today, to work on the LP Spain walking guide–basically the same turf as my April trip, but an enforced slower pace.

As I leave for the airport, there is still a kerfuffle over the title of mine and Tamara’s cookbook, which some of you may’ve heard about via Facebook last week. I am still deep-down appalled at the idea that American book-buyers allegedly can’t handle seeing the letters “f-ing” on the cover of a book (let me be clear: nowhere on the cover would “the fuck-word,” as the witty Joanna calls it, actually have appeared), and yet many much broader social indecencies seem to be no problem at all. Also, that plenty of men have books with bad words in the title, but apparently it’s just too shocking over in the girly cookbook stacks.

Also, though, I live in New York City, where expletives hang in the air thick as smog. So what do I know?

But crisis = opportunity, and all that. So the boss of a friend of ours suggested Forking Delicious. Dorktastic! We went with that.

Alas. Some ladies in Philadelphia have been using the phrase for many years, and even though I don’t see any step toward copyrighting or trademarking on their website, well, I guess it wouldn’t be fair. Plus, they only live in Philly, so it’s just a train ride away to rough us up in a dark alley. There are more of them than there are of us.

So, now. Leaving for airport in one hour. Title still up in the air. Fucking, arg, I mean Forking Fantastic is the top choice.

The one nice thing about this whole process (have I mentioned, the title had been settled for more than a year? and the last time we got nervous about it, three months ago, they assured us it would be totally fine?) is a friend of mine dug up this book, while searching for other obscene titles:

Fuck It: The Ultimate Spiritual Path

Premise is that “fuck it” is the Western equivalent of Eastern Buddhist detachment, etc. I feel so enlightened already! I’ll be breathing deep and saying “fuck it” all the way to the airport.

Probably not too much posting in Spain. We’ll be in the ass of nowhere most of the time, getting sunburned and eating ham.

Just entertain yourself by answering this poll, please. I’m curious…

Would you buy a cookbook title F-ing Delicious?
Hellz yeah! I love swearing and cooking.
No, thanks. Profanity is a crutch for the linguistically lazy.
Maybe. Do you have boobs like Giada’s?


  1. AV says:

    I didn’t know that you were going _back_ to Spain. But maybe I did …

    I’ll send you an email and you can call Maria up to see if you can stay in the apt. in Granada (and I’d love to know if anyone’s living there …)

    Happy travels! And yes! I’d buy a cookbook with that name (although I never really buy cookbooks.)

  2. Christina says:

    I really wanted to choose all in your poll.

    Good luck with the Fanting Forktastic title crisis. No fun. Fun, however, is probably all over Spain. Enjoy the walk.

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