Fairway Fanaticism

Wow. I thought I liked groceries. But obviously–or at least, you would hope–the guy who runs a grocery store likes them even more.

Check out the Fairway blog. The frenzy, the neurosis, the obsession of exotic groceries…it’s all here. I’m not sure if I like Fairway more or less after reading this.

To be honest, I’ve never set foot in a Fairway. This is a terrible admission, seeing how I live in NYC and pretend to like groceries. The place is legendary, but, hey, it’s not in Astoria. If I go grocery shopping outside of Astoria, I have to be verrrry careful, because then I have to carry everything home. And I suspect I wouldn’t be too careful in Fairway.

The big Fairway news, though, is that a giant one just opened in Red Hook, basically civilizing the neighborhood in a single day. Curbed reported on the opening festivities, and my pal David Prince took the most gorgeous photos. Andreas Gursky, eat your heart out.

David, it turns out, has been to three major grocery store openings in his life. Savvy. There’s a new store going up around the corner here in Astoria (34th Ave). It’s no Fairway, but that opening I can definitely make it to.

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