Even though this web page is one of the most frightening on the whole Internet, I’m still putting FEBO in the guidebook.

That web page may depict FEBO’s shocking catalog of deep-fried morsels, which make me both recoil in horror and gawp in fascination (what is frikadel?!). But FEBO is a Dutch cultural institution! And it has automat windows, which are simply the coolest. Who cares if what they sell might kill you?

Besides, the guy who started FEBO died recently. Turns out FEBO (short for FErdinand BOlstraat, where he had a bakery job–I did not know that) prided itself on providing fresh, not frozen, product to all its franchises. Heartwarming.

Or heart-stopping. You decide–I’m giving addresses, phone numbers, opening times and nearest tram stops.