Food2: Amateur Gourmet

OK, I found something genuinely entertaining, and not something that exists in a weird I’ve-heard-this-is-cool universe: The Amateur Gourmet shorts.

I haven’t been a big fan of the Amateur Gourmet online because…I dunno. He’s not enough of a wise-ass or something. I admit I gave him about one chance, about five years ago.

But in person, he’s actually kind of adorable. And there is just enough to weirdness to make me not feel like a tool for watching food TV.

(Clip after the jump, to stop the autoplay annoyance.)

And this actually made me want to go make fresh pasta, which should be the point, really. (6-6-1-1-1!)

(The second episode, the omelette one, is also entertaining and wonderfully weird. I love the woman. But the technique is ALL WRONG! Since when do you flip an omelette? Or beat the eggs that long? Or even cook it that much?! Showoff chef dudes…whatev.)


  1. Naomi says:

    Not NEARLY as good as Cooking in Real Time. Who the hell has that kind of kitchen space in the New York?

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